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By: John Galligan

Criticism. People are afraid of this word. The definition of criticism is “the practice of judging the merits and faults of something (or somebody) in an intelligible (or articulate) way.” People are usually wary of criticism because they perceive it to be negative. However, it is important to realize that our perceptions can be wrong.

The Response

It is odd how we respond to criticism though. We are always defensive when it comes to our own work even if the goal is to improve. When our performance is under review and we receive criticism it is important we take it for what it is; an evaluation of our performance for both strength and weakness.

Initially most people don’t want to admit there is a better way to do things. Hopefully your company is made up of business professionals who have a wealth of knowledge they can share. It would be unwise to shut out the opinions of them just because you may think you know it all. If there is someone willing and able to offer an opinion you should listen. Sometimes it doesn’t just come down to right and wrong but how the information is presented. We should always strive to better ourselves and this is just part of the process.

Understanding it

Remember this when you offer your input. How would you feel if it was you and there was room for improvement? In business we can’t take things too personally. You are the one completing the task. You were trusted with the position and it is up to you to succeed. Get as much information as you can because it can only help you. Take what advice is given if it is relevant and move forward. You and your company both need to grow and helping one another is the only way to do that. This a great article to take things in stride

If you are the one criticizing then be positive about what you offer. You would want the same courtesy. Point out the positives as well as the negatives. You want to preserve what was working so pointing out the positives isn’t just to be nice; it’s to maintain that going forward.

Embrace it

Call it what you want. Constructive criticism, suggestions, or a critique. It is all informative feedback. Always strive to do better and just because someone may tell you how to improve, it does not mean you are doing a bad job at all. It is just their input on what they think could help improve productivity or quality. Never be complacent and always look for what can help you and the company excel. Exchanging ideas and differing perspectives is a good thing. Remember, one of the best ways to succeed is to share what you know. That is my critique on it at least.


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