Being Prepared for Holidays and Disasters

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By: Beth Evarts

As we approach the holidays,  it is a time of celebration and spending time with family, friends and co-workers.  It is a time of remembrance.

Once we stop, think and realize just what is important to each of us in life, we can plan for success.   The question is, how do we plan to get there and have we planned for the unexpected.

Life is about the unexpected and being prepared for anything at any given moment.  When is the last time you talked about emergency preparedness with your family or at work?   Is there a plan of action in place and does everyone understand what needs to happen in the event of the unexpected?

Here are some tips to help you be more prepared for that unexpected emergency:

Parents: Check the records at your child’s school or daycare and make sure they know how to get in touch with you in case of an emergency.  Also ask the school or day care for a copy of their business disaster plan.

 Homeowners: Review your family disaster plan and make sure you will have access to the important records and contact information that you may need in case of an emergency.  Share the plan with your family and practice the steps so everyone knows what to do when an emergency happens.

Business Owners: Have a business disaster plan in place and keep it updated with the most current information.  Make sure you know how to contact all your employees and that they know how to contact you.  Work the plan and make sure everyone knows their roles in making it successful.

While disaster planning may not be on your holiday to do list, it is important to know that you are safe.   Planning for the unexpected is a smart and will help ensure the health and safety of all that matter to you and yours during this holiday season.





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