By: Meghan Brasher
As most everyone can relate, starting a new job can bring on a whirlwind of emotions-excitement, empowerment, nervousness, and for some maybe even a little bit of nausea. And like most, everyone finds themselves panicking a little about how this new endeavor is going to go: Am I dressed appropriately? Are the employees going to like me? How am I going to establish myself? Did I remember to brush my teeth? Although everyone handles their new start differently, here are some tips and tricks proven to get you through those agonizing, yet very important, first 90 days.
Tip 1: Know your Company
During the interview process, you most likely were researching the company you are applying to be a part of. Now that you are hired, you will represent these same goals and values. This knowledge will also be helpful on your first day as an icebreaker, and will show your eagerness to learn and become part of their team.
Tip 2: Know your Team

Make sure you get to know your peers. Learn what makes everyone else tick. Find your similarities and differences, discuss hobbies and personal interests, and learn people’s birthdays! Make a plan on how to overcome and adapt to every personality in your environment. Not only will it help you avoid conflict, but everyone else is there for a reason too, you will need them at one point or another.
Tip 3: Self Promotion
As intimidating as it sounds, it’s okay to toot your horn just a little bit. No one will ever notice you if they do not know you’re there. You were hired for a reason, and for the first 90 days it is crucial to remind them why! Remember, you worked hard to get to where you are: At the first (awkward) office meeting where they make you show and tell your life, make sure you let them know you have a masters in marketing, those long hours didn’t work themselves. Oh, you spent the last 3 months working for the soup kitchen? Everyone wants to know that about you. You might share DNA with Hercules or spend your free time mastering triathlons? Perfect. Toot away, young entrepreneur, toot away.
Tip 4 Save up your money, and buy “The First 90 Days” by Michael D. Watkins.
Not only will this give you something to do on your lunch hour, but it will also give you some guidance during these first few months. In his book Watkins outlines step by step how to survive your first 90 days and also leave an outstanding impression. Watkins offers proven strategies to help conquer and persevere in any and every professional environment you find yourself advancing to.
Personally, I am 30 days into the first 90 here at Partners in Association Management and I can assure you that I live by these tips daily. Of course you will want to amend and mold these suggestions to fit your own lifestyle and work environment, but with these bare bones you can create a road map to success. Now, let’s put on our best “in-charge” outfit, grit our teeth, and demolish these first 90 days!