Give Thanks (and Not Just Once a Year)

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By: Maureen Turner and Christina Welty

 Now that Halloween has come and gone, it’s time to get ready for Thanksgiving!  Many of our Facebook friends use the month of November to post daily with something they are thankful for.  We encourage you to take it a step further.  Branch out and give thanks throughout the year.  You can do this in your personal life, but let’s focus on your work life.

Call often.70FE8C00C9

It’s common to call or email members when you need an ad, sponsorship, or during membership renewal time.  However, most people don’t take the time to call just to say hello and check on their members.  If you see an article recognizing the company or member with an achievement, tell them so. Ask if there is anything you can do to help in any way.  This extra step will go a long way towards building goodwill with your members.

Recognize your members for a job well done. 

There are several different ways we recognize our members and thank them for their dedication and support. JDT

  • Years of Service – During some of our Annual Conventions, we identify those members who have been certified for 25 or more years. They receive a certificate and pin and are recognized in front of their peers.
  • Publications (WOW issue) – showcases the top 10 products or
    companies who have saved the industry time and money.
  • Plaques – Thank outgoing board members for their service. They have given their personal time to help make the association successful.
  • Awards – Best of Show, Member of the Year and Associate of the Year are all ways to thank members for going the extra mile.

Give a personal touch.   1108152222

  • Send holiday cards to your members
  • Send your clients and members articles that
    may interest them.
  • Send thank you letters after a meeting; bonus
    points if they are handwritten!

As you can see, it’s important to show that you are thankful for your members and appreciate their support each and every day.

What do you do to thank your members?


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