By: Maureen Turner
We all know the speech, I had a dream! Perhaps we will never dream as big as Martin Luther King Jr. did, but that doesn’t mean we can’t dream. Everyone should have dreams. When I dream, I dream big. I like taking what seems to be an impossible situation and turn it into reality.
One particular dream that I had was moving to Maui. I had come to a point in my life that I needed a change and what better change is there than moving to a tropical paradise?
I had visited Hawaii with a few girlfriends and fell in love! It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. Maui was the island that I picked to live on. Maui has been known for its healing power. It is Maui that you will find the Seven Sacred Pools, AKA The pools of Ohe’o. After hiking to the top of this magical place, and seeing all it had to offer, I indeed believed that it must have healing power! The breathtakingly beautiful coastline, the bamboo forest, the pools, and the waterfalls could heal anyone! To be surrounded by such beauty was amazing.
I knew I wanted to live here. I wanted to experience this beauty each day. Could I really do this? All the way to Hawaii! It is so far away! After all, Hawaii is the most isolated population center on the face of the earth. It is 2,390 miles from California; 3,850 miles from Japan; 4,900 miles from China; and 5,280 miles from the Philippines. Well, I did mention that when I have a dream, it is usually something big! This would be my “Impossible Dream”.
How can you accomplish a seemingly impossible task? Whether it is in your day to day living or a goal that seems impossible to accomplish at work.
Faith– I have a lot of faith and knew I would be alright. After all, what is the worst that could happen?
- Passion-Be passionate! Without passion we have no dreams. Be passionate about your life and your work!
- Courage-Have courage to pursue your dreams! Whether your dreams are big or small, go after them with all you have! If your dream seems as though it is the impossible dream, then start small. With each success you have in life, it gives you strength and courage to try bigger and better things. The song “brave” comes to mind. We all know it, “I want to see you be brave!” Isn’t that the key to every success in life? Having the courage to stand tall, set your eye on the goal, and go after it until you make your dream become a reality.
Dr. Martin Luther King had faith, passion, and courage! What about you? What are your dreams? What goals do you have at work or in your personal life? What will you do to reach them?