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By: Maureen Turner

I recently attended the Florida Society of Association Executives ( annual convention. I almost didn’t go. It was too far, would cost too much, etc. Yes, I made every excuse not to attend. However, if you have never been a part of FSAE, I encourage you to try it. There really is something for everyone.

I particularly enjoyed the closing keynote speaker, Delatorro McNeal, II, MS, CSP, who was sponsored by Partners ( He covered a variety of topics including work life balance, but the biggest take away for me was his information on sales.

One very important piece of information that he put on the screen was this:

Sales Statisticsmaureen2


These statistics that Delatorro shared with us were amazing. As a seasoned sales professional, with many years of experience, I ultimately know and have experienced these statistics, but it is nice to be reminded of them. It reinforces the fact that persistency is the key. Even the most professional sales people feel like giving up at times. What sets the professional aside is they never give up. The next call you make might be an opportunity of a lifetime. If you truly believe in the product or service that you are offering, then share that with your clients.


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