Stress Busters, Dance of Joy, Feet Don’t Fail Me Now!

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By: Danielle Jessup

Stressed? Who isn’t? How can someone even ask that question? Truth be told, I’m stressed just thinking about having to write this blog.  I’m still stressed wondering if people are going to like it.  (NOTE: If you like it, please don’t forget to share it) The goal to stress management is finding something that works for you.  I used to dance my entire life. Woke up, went to school and then danced for 4-6 hours every day.  Life was good. No stress that I can recall.

Then I moved to college. I started feeling the stress of having to keep up with school work and a full-time job.  I couldn’t figure out why I was so stressed. I used to have days where I didn’t stop until 12AM.  Then I realized; I wasn’t dancing. So what did I do? I added dance to my schedule. You would think I am crazy and just made my stress levels even worse, but it did just the opposite. It kept me grounded and relaxed.  Dance was my stress reliever.

(My solo, Hot Note, at the 2004 Star Systems Dance Competition)
(My solo, Hot Note, at the 2004 Star Systems Dance Competition)

Unfortunately, I don’t dance anymore.  Life got too busy with a full time job, a house to manage, all my fur babies, a husband to please and much more.  I can’t even imagine how people with children don’t go off the deep end!

(My children, for now – Shadow, Wade, Oreo)
(My children, for now – Shadow, Wade, Oreo)

With the changing environment, I had to learn new ways to manage my stress. After taking a few health courses, I learned some tips that helped reduce both my overall stress levels and the stress you find on the job. Hopefully these tips will help you too.

1.)   Take care of yourself first. I’ve learned first-hand that your health is the most important thing. Too many people let work run their life and don’t even know what it’s doing to their body until it’s too late. This means that sometimes you need to say no. Say it with me, “No!” If you are happy, healthy and rested, you are more resistant to stress. You’re also more pleasant to work with, more productive and the quality of your work will improve.

2.)   Organize and Prioritize. I may be OCD, as my husband says, but that is what gives me a sense of self-control. When I arrive at work, one of the first things I do is make a task list in order of importance. This helps me plan my day to ensure I can accomplish everything on the list. I always start with the most unpleasant task first so I can get it done and out of the way. I also like to keep my desk very organized. I only have out the things that I am working on at the moment. This helps me stay on track.

First things first, everything you do is done better when it’s organized.

– Jerry Bruckner

3.)   Break bad habits. Ok yes, I used to let stress overwhelm me when I didn’t have an outlet. I learned that you don’t have to be a perfectionist at everything. It’s best to set realistic goals that you can reach. I also stopped having a negative outlook on things. I learned that it’s only going to do your mind and body harm, so why not find the positive in everything you can. This gave me the energy and motivation to enjoy projects, work with co-workers, and even progress in my field of study.

4.)    Get Exercise. This is probably one of the most important tips to manage stress. Exercising is a great outlet to release stress. I am currently during the Insanity Workout. For those of you who know it, the name holds true. (If you’re up for the challenge, you can purchase the videos here) Now you don’t have to go to that extreme. Even taking a walk on your lunch break or going for a swim after work will do the job. You will feel refreshed and ready to take on the next task.

Everyone needs to have a stress management plan, whether it’s for personal or professional reasons. Trust me when I say, it will save your life. Help me and others reading this blog find out other ways to manage stress. Share your tips in the comments section and we’ll be stress free together! Namaste.

(My happy place - Destin, FL)
(My happy place – Destin, FL)



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