Treat Yourself and Improve Your Mood and Productivity

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By: Amanda Carey

My one year anniversary with Partners in Association Management is quickly approaching and I’ve found it important to keep yourself happy.  Since starting at the company and transitioning roles from our member services department to a client management team, I have had to learn what keeps me grounded day-to-day.  From my previous blog that you can find here ( these are some little things I’ve learned to keep my mood up and stay focused on the work week.  Here are just some quick ways to instantly boost your mood by treating yourself!

  1. Caffeine

That’s an easy one.  For me it’s a quick pick-me-up first thing in the morning to get my day going.  I will stop at the local coffee shop, pick up the seasonal latte, and enjoy my heaven in a cup.  If coffee is not your speed, any fancy beverage will suffice.


  1. Music

A fun playlist can pep up any redundant task that doesn’t require too much critical thinking.  Music is clinically proven to affect our moods! This article from the NY Times focused in on that research, “In one study involving information technology specialists, she found that those who listened to music completed their tasks more quickly and came up with better ideas than those who didn’t, because the music improved their mood.”  Read more about it here (

Lunch with Friends

Plan a lunch out of the office with co-workers or invite friends to meet up at a restaurant that no one has tried.  Sometimes just placing yourself in a different surrounding can let you recharge and come back to work with a fresh take.


  1. Vacation

If you’re lucky enough to get paid time off, a vacation is definitely a treat.  It gives you something to look forward to and get excited about.  If a week trip is not an option, a “staycation” will do!  Living in Florida does make it easy to take a quick trip to the beach as an escape.


Work can be overwhelming and stressful at times but if you remember to treat yourself even in little ways, it can make the hard days that come a little brighter and therefore enhancing your work performance and productivity.


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