Blog, News, and Videos


The Holidays are Upon Us

By: Lauren Millard It’s that time of year again!  The holidays are here and as much as we love the food, festivities, and spending time

Getting Your Name Out There

By: Shelly Sobol Going to a “networking” event can oftentimes feel like you’re going to a sales convention. Determining what someone can do for you,

A Day in the Life of Member Services

By: Alonda Hill I first began working at Partners In Association Management in the Member Services Department in late July.  I’ve always enjoyed working with

Give Thanks (and Not Just Once a Year)

By: Maureen Turner and Christina Welty  Now that Halloween has come and gone, it’s time to get ready for Thanksgiving!  Many of our Facebook friends

Shoulders Back and Breathe

By: Meghan Brasher Some days can be more stressful than others in the office.  Your shoulders seem a little tense and your coffee seems a

How to Utilize In-House Resources

By: John Galligan Work Resources. What is the first thing you think of when someone asks “Do you have the resources you need for this

Have Unique Needs? Have an RFP?