Blog, News, and Videos


What’s Your Marketing Strategy?

By: Ricki Sexton Why do we love jingles, and slogans, and catchy advertising?  Because somewhere, in that mystery building “somewhere”, there is a person who

Off the Grid (but Not Really)

By: Amy Bean Napier Urban Dictionary defines “off the grid” as (adj.) Unrecorded, untraceable through normal means. But with emails continually pushing to your cell

Incense in the Office

By: Kristi Spargo Appearances can be deceiving. I may be a kid-toting, CR-V driving, Sperry-shoed Type A personality, but I’ve always wanted to be a

5 Tips on Planning your First Meeting

By: Amanda Carey Meeting planning can be stressful, even if you’re planning a small meeting.  Although assisting with other meetings can help prepare you, nothing

Back to School or Too Cool for School?

By: Shelly Sobol Our office has a wonderful mix of staff. We have employees that are currently enrolled through Florida State University, working towards additional

Tricks for Microsoft Excel

By: Deborah Mandel I love Microsoft Office products, and one of my favorites is Microsoft Excel. For the general user, it is easy enough to

Tallahassee – An Association Haven

By: Beth Evarts Tallahassee is the capital of the State of Florida.  Tallahassee is the 126th largest city in the United States.  Tallahassee is known for

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