Blog, News, and Videos


My Husband Doodles in Church

By: Kristi Spargo I have been happily married for 12 years.  For 12 years and with varying degrees of irritation I have dealt with and

February 14th, What Are You Going To Do?

By: Malarie Barineau Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching! Are you ready? According to the History Channel, the holiday itself dates back to the 5th century

Lucky Number Seven

By: Shelly Sobol A long, long time ago, in a cubicle not so far away, a few brave managers decided to hire a bright-eyed twenty-something

Playing the Odds

By Amy E. Bean Napier After spending a week in Las Vegas, watching many people throwing a lot of money at slot machines and gaming

Leadership: What makes a great leader?

By: Ricki Sexton We’ve all had them.  That dreaded “B” word – the boss.  We’ve also all had bosses that are memorable for one reason or another

A Critique On Critiquing

By: John Galligan Criticism. People are afraid of this word. The definition of criticism is “the practice of judging the merits and faults of something

What Happens Here Stays Here

By: Amy Bean Napier This week, many of our staff will be traveling to Las Vegas to work an annual trade and management conference for

Don’t Give the Gift of Germs

By: Kim Barclay It is now 2015 and everyone is back in the swing of work and school after the holiday break.  The office where

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