Blog, News, and Videos


Lessons Learned – Key Clauses in Post-Pandemic Meetings Contracts

While most associations have resumed in-person meetings, many meetings are still striving to achieve pre-covid attendance levels. However, as they move forward, wise association managers and planners entering into contracts for in-person meetings in 2023 and beyond, will do well to apply the lessons learned over these past two years.

Don Corleone’s Guide to a Strong Network

Convention season is about to kick into high gear. Now that in-person meetings are a “thing” again, many of us will attend events where we hope to create and cultivate relationships. 


Learn how we used SMART goals to update and create vibrant marketing materials which has put us in a position to grow in the new year.

A Better You in ‘22

By John Ricco It’s that time of year. Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is here and we wonder where the year went.  Over the coming weeks

Got Quality Control?

By Rachel Luoma Quality Control – I hear this term all the time in association management.  We try to build quality control into every aspect

APIC Episode 13 – Sponsorships That Work!

In person meetings are largely back – what are you doing to secure you sponsor and exhibitor base? Join us with a cup of your favorite beverage for suggestions and tips to maximize your sponsorships!

NETWORKING. The Challenge and Its Comeback

By Kim Barclay Networking was challenging enough before the pandemic, and now networking in the traditional sense is almost non-existent.  We as business professionals have

Have Unique Needs? Have an RFP?